* To get signed up for utilities or make changes to your existing utilities, contact Waverly Utilities at 319-559-2000.
Garbage pick-up is once a week for City of Waverly residents (or every other week for those choosing the low-volume option). The attached map shows which days garbage gets picked up in specific sections of Waverly. If you are unsure as to your garbage pick-up day, email Public Services or call (319) 352-6247. The garbage trucks start collection at 7:00 a.m. each day. Your garbage is to be out by this time.
Route map for garbage & curbside recycling.
City-Owned Garbage Containers
- The City offers 3 levels of garbage collection to choose from (no tags required):
35-gallon container (50 lb. weight restriction) $18.00 per month - Emptied Weekly
65-gallon container (95 lb. weight restriction) $27.20 per month - Emptied Weekly
95-gallon container (135 lb. weight restriction) $39.67 per month - Emptied Weekly
35-gallon container w/ yellow lid (50 lb. weight restriction) $14.55 per month - Emptied Every Other Week on your curbside recycling day. It can be placed out on an "off" Curbside Recycling week, but then requires a garbage tag on top bag in the can. The garbage tag should be left visible to the operator if possible.

- Reminder: All City-issue containers (garbage and recycling) are owned by the City and leased to residents. Containers are assigned to specific addresses and should not be moved.
- Place your garbage is disposable plastic bags inside your container to prevent the scattering of loose debris by wind and to keep the inside of the container clean.
- Extra bags of garbage are to be placed on top of the container, with container lids fully closed. Each extra bag of garbage will require a garbage tag. Extra Bags. . . .Extra Tags!
- Garbage Tags for Extra Garbage can be purchased for $2.50 each at the following locations:
- Public Services, 2900 5th Avenue NW
- Casey's General Store, 1312 West Bremer Avenue
- Casey's General Store, 1032 4th Street SW
- City Hall, 200 1st Street NE
- Fareway, 222 West Bremer Avenue

- HyVee, 1311 4th Street SW
- Kwik Star (East), 400 East Bremer Avenue
- Kwik Star (South), 2501 4th Street SW
- If you wish to exchange your container for a different size or change your service, email Public Services or call (319) 352-6247. There is one courtesy exchange free of charge. The fee for all subsequent changes is $25.00.
- Any lost or stolen containers, or damage caused by neglect (such as a vehicle striking the container), is the responsibility of the account holder, who shall be charged the replacement cost of the container plus handling and administration fees. The City shall repair or replace containers experiencing normal wear and tear.
Calendar for:
- Garbage Container w/Yellow Lid Schedule
- Curbside Recycling Schedule
- City Holidays & rescheduled collection days for garbage and recycling
Placement of Garbage
- At street curb next to your driveway or
- In alley, if your property has an alley
(Email Public Services or call (319) 352-6247 if you are not sure where your garbage should be placed.) Place the container on a level surface within 18 inches of the curb, with the short metal bar facing the street. Keep the container away from parked vehicles and at least 6 feet away from permanent structures such as mailboxes, utility poles, walls, lampposts, etc. Consider using the flared section of your driveway approach if obstacles prevent placement elsewhere along the parking. Place at least 3 feet from your recycling container.
The City strongly encourages all citizens of Waverly to continue to recycle as much as possible.
Disposal of Old Drugs & Needles
Old or unused drugs should not be put in the garbage or flushed down the toilet. These drugs then end up in Iowa's ground water and rivers. Also, sharps and needles should not be placed in your garbage, as this is a serious danger to the garbage collectors and landfill operators. For proper disposal of old drugs & needles, please visit: HyVee Pharmacy (319-352-2021), Meyer Pharmacy (319-352-3120), Walgreen Pharmacy (319-352-4257), Wal-Mart Pharmacy (319-352-2735) or Waverly Health Center's Center Pharmacy (319-483-4100).
Illegal Disposal of Garbage
It is illegal to dump garbage on other property or to dispose of your garbage in a dumpster or container which is rented by someone else.