Subdivision of Land

Subdivision of land in the City of Waverly is regulated to provide for harmonious development, for the integration of new subdivision streets with other planned or existing streets and to secure equitable handling of all subdivision plats by providing uniform procedures and standards for observance by sub-dividers, Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council.
Subdivision of Land Application
General Information
In the City of Waverly, a "subdivision" is determined to have occurred and subsequent platting will be required to be brought forth to the Planning and Zoning Commission for City Council approval when:
- A parcel of land is divided into three or more parcels
- Establishment of easements or elimination of platted and recorded easements
- Opening, widening or extension of streets, except private streets
- Resubdivision of lots on recorded plats
- Division of land 5 acres or more utilized for agricultural purposes (Zoned A-1), unless street dedications or public facilities are involved.
Waverly City Code, see Chapter 103, Subdivisions and Plat Specifications.
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