Burn Permits

Open burning of yard waste is permitted following submittal of a permit application to the Community Development Office. For residents who have an existing burn permit authorized, a renewal is not necessary. If a new property owner wishes to burn yard waste, they are required to register their property to be permitted to burn yard waste.
As of July 1, 2004, burning of all yard waste such as grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs, etc. is prohibited on properties of ½ acre or less in the City of Waverly.
Burning of garbage or construction material and the use of burn barrels are prohibited on all properties.
Permits for Burning in Waverly, IOWA:

General Information
Open Burning Ordinance Chapter 71 (click on Health & Sanitation)
Burning Permitted:
- Fires for recreational and cooking purposes, of less than 4 feet in diameter are permitted on all properties (no time limitation to burn).
- Open burning of yard waste on parcels greater than ½ acre may be permitted following filing for a permit through the Community Development Office in City Hall (time limitation to burn from 9:00 a.m. – sundown).
Yard Waste Drop Off Location for Waverly Residents:
- 2800 5th Avenue NW, Waverly, Iowa 50677.
- Leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, trees, branches and brush are accepted at no charge.
- The following services are offered:
- Drop-off site for leaves / grass clippings / garden waste (non-woody material). All material to be emptied from bags, unless biodegradable bags are used.
- Drop-off site for trees / branches / brush (woody material). Large tree roots are not accepted.
- Pick-up site for compost material. Compost material is the end result of the leaves, grass clippings, etc. that were dropped off. This material is free of charge to Waverly residents.
- Pick-up site for wood chips. Wood chips are the end result of the tree branches, brush, etc. that were dropped off. This material is free of charge to Waverly residents.
To find out if Bremer County is under an active burn ban, click here.